The Corner Piece by Ligia Dias for Novembre issue 15
WORDS Julien Fronsacq
As a designer, Ligia Dias addresses the relationships between fashion, design and art. For this occurrence of The Corner Piece, she set the following editorial rules: to invite friends whether cultural producer or not — to shoot an object in a corner, either jewellery or any fetish artefact. The corner is made of re-entrant angles, a place where three sides or edges meet. Multiple choices were possible for the object but it had to define the relationship the guest has with jewellery. The answers are numerous and varied. In some cases it aligns with the guest’s professional practices. Sometimes personal and public practices are implicated. While others share a very personal or familial treasure, and some their own production. Since the renowned suprematists such as Malevich and Tatlin, the corner has been a crucial stage for modern art. More recently, ambiguous corner pieces by Fred Sandback and Robert Smithson allude to illusionist space through the concrete deduction of architecture. Imagine all the pages in this project standing next to one another: they set a mock-up of a polygon-shape exhibition space. They also stage the transformation from plane to space, the use of object and the construction of self.
More in Novembre Magazine Issue 15, available from

LEFT Florence Tétier, creative director, Paris, Florence Tétier Bijoux for Charlotte Knowles F/W 2019, photography by Kimberley Coussée
RIGHT Ting Gong, master student, challenging Jewellery program by Bless, Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam “My own broken bracelet made out from horn.”

Laurie Simmons, Artist, New York, Mask with mask in corner, 2019, Personal earring by Ligia Dias; Jeanne-Salomé Rochat, Creative director, Basel, Personal project by Florence Tétier, Bijoux, earring, forgotten in the Paris subway right after the photo; Scott King, Artist, London, Better Lives, 2019; John Armleder, Artist, Geneva, Oh! et puis oui!, 2019, Les Trois Rois, letterhead; Linus Ricard; Director and photographer, Paris “It is an official Swedish identity tag which has been with me since I was born. It’s the only piece of jewellery I ever had, a kind of fetish object.”; Elise By Olsen, Editor, Publisher & Curator, Oslo, Earring by Michael Olestad, photography by Maria Pasenau; Marilyn Minter, Artist, New York “My most important jewellery: tattoos of my engagement and wedding rings, with planned Parenthood pins and my Resist t-shirt.”; Marta Costa Reis, Jewellery designer, Lisbon, Untitled, Neolithic, collection, 2017; Ligia Dias, Designer, Geneva, Personal jewellery by Cartier, Sonia, Boyajian & Ligia Dias, with corner artwork by Dan Flavin, Pierre Banchereau, Floral designer, Paris, Personal jewellery, sculpture by Giacomo, Balla, made in wood, in the 1920s, edited in, stainless steel in the1960s by Dino Gavina