"Panoramas", an exhibiton by Chaumont-Zaerpour
« Panoramas » explores the contradictions we encounter in making fashion images. The exhibition combines, with no apparent hierarchy, fragments from our personal archives: advertising commissions, stolen photos, printed series, intimate projects and public displays. These images made from other images tell the story of how this language can spread, transform and take on forms both real and fantasized.
They speak of our expectations, and of the trace these expectations leave on our states. They are an enumeration of aesthetic codes and underline the perpetual metamorphosis: subject body and object body, desire and obligation, emancipation and submission. Codes that we create and that transform us.
The very act of dressing reveals often secret things about the relationship between man and the world, about the quality of this relationship and its emotional intensity. These projections are established in us by the clothing industry and its images. Within the restricted circle of those who make them, their construction is based on a set of codes whose mastery maintains them in an illusion of superiority, and whose ignorance excludes the public for whom they are intended.
Photography & words: Chaumont-Zarpour