Pandora Graessl on reality, fusion and driving her big Toyota

When in your life did you realise you were going to be an artist?
This feeling slowly grew with me through the years and eventually became vital. At some point I couldn't find meaning in what I was doing anymore, and all I had was an urge for expression.
You collaborate a lot. How do you draw the line in terms of artistic integrity?
I love fusion. Brains in ebullition coalescing. Beautiful and volcanic. It depends the type of project and the role I have. As long as you can feel my personal touch, I’m happy. I know my strengths and weaknesses, and mostly work with complimentary people.

Are you territorial?
Not really, but I can take up a lot of space. I love to explore and navigate between lands and roles. I am more curious and adventurous than territorial, I would say. Thus I need to be respected and recognised for what I do.

What does freedom mean to you? How does it take shape in your life?
It's a way of living, breathing, thinking and evolving. It has a price though, the price of your own freedom, paradoxically.

How so?
Having no frame allows a lot of options, and that can be quite alienating at times.
Are you (paradoxically) attracted to the opposite of freedom then?
I love to be given rules, and imagine ways to get around them. It eventually becomes a game, a creative and mental one.

Do you make work for yourself primarily?
I do now, finally. It took me some time and courage to realise I needed to produce my own work, to find my own self expression, still in process !
You are prolific. How do you define how much energy you will put in a project?
I don't really, it happens quite naturally or instinctively, depending on the project. I always need to immerse myself into a particular universe. I'm quite often on a few different projects at the same time, that feed off each other. I might stay up all night, testing materials, doing research. I might find a solution that unlocks everything fast, or sometimes it takes months.

There is a lot of black in some of your images. Are you a night creature?
Laughs. I definitely am. I love the night, it's the wild side of all things. The unknown.
Lots of magic happens in the dark.
It exists to release and explore, to lose yourself in order to find yourself. It's a recurring little death, before you're born again, over and over. Darkness in my pictures is more a reference to death and eternity though, the infinite whole.

What's your relationship to light, and daylight?
I love the light as much as I love the night. I can spend hours in the sun, absorbing rays. When I lived in Los Angeles, I used to wake up before the sunrise and watch it come up on the horizon. Funnily enough, my Paris studio has no direct natural light, which makes me lose track of time. Light is important in my work, either natural or artificial.

Are you interested in reality, would you say? Is reality a drive for you?
I'm not very interested by man made ideas and concepts that are shaping a lot of our "reality." Instead, I try to tune into a reality that is quite magical and beyond. A more limitless world, that I aim to reveal through my work.

What's the story behind the car you drive?
I found in LA when i was living there. My friend Kira and I went to Venice beach on a hangover day. We were eating fries and watching people in roller blades, dancing, some muscly guys punching balls. Nice light, soft vibes: Venice Beach. As we were about to leave, there she was. Parked, looking all sexy and cute. Open top, with a 'FOR SALE' sign. I messaged the guy immediately, even though I didn't have my driving licence yet, I know she was meant to be mine. I needed her in my life. Luckily, I was the first person who called.

I had it for 2-3 months before being able to drive it. At first it was a mess, i had so many issues with her. One would have gone crazy... My friends would make fun of me saying I bought a pile of crap. I held on to it though, repaired it, and spoiled it. The American way! Since then, it's been pure bliss. I even shipped her over to Europe.