What Adults do at Cherish Gallery

ARTISTS Nhu Duong / Dese Escobar / Pe Ferreira / Kyle Luu / Fiffany Luu / Philippa Fifibiza Schmitt

Tracy Lomponda


Philippa Schmitt, Heart Table, 2020, plywood panel, mirror, 161x74x50 cmPhilippa Schmitt, Heart Table, 2020, plywood panel, mirror, 161x74x50 cm
Philippa Schmitt, Heart Table, 2020, plywood panel, mirror, 161x74x50 cm
Pe Ferreira, Borda dos meus sonhos, The edge of my dreams, 2018-2021 archive, digital print mounted on fridge, 143x55x55cm
Pe Ferreira, Borda dos meus sonhos, The edge of my dreams, 2018-2021 archive, digital print mounted on fridge, 143x55x55cm

When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies

When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines

When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick
When I step out on the scene

The Pussycat Dolls

DeSe Escobar, Hollywood Rockstar Diaries, acrylic paint on fried papier, 2021
DeSe Escobar, Hollywood Rockstar Diaries, acrylic paint on fried papier, 2021
Nhu Duong, Private Collection, 2021. Madame Lô’s wardrobe:White jersey cotton jacket, Issey Miyake x Bergdorf Goodman dress, Jade adorned lace up flats, ceramic dumpling earing
Nhu Duong, Private Collection, 2021. Madame Lô’s wardrobe:White jersey cotton jacket, Issey Miyake x Bergdorf Goodman dress, Jade adorned lace up flats, ceramic dumpling earing
. Philippa Schmitt, La Courtisane, 2020, paper, colored pencil, felt pen, ball pen, stickers and hair clips, 98x135 cm
. Philippa Schmitt, La Courtisane, 2020, paper, colored pencil, felt pen, ball pen, stickers and hair clips, 98x135 cm
Kyle and Fiffanny Luu, Sisters are special, 2021, sequins and silk fabric, ostrich feathers and lace.
Kyle and Fiffanny Luu, Sisters are special, 2021, sequins and silk fabric, ostrich feathers and lace.
Nhu Duong, Madame Lô, Digital print on paper, 594x841 cm, Nhu Duong Campaign 2022,photography: Torso Solutions, styling: Kyle Luu
Nhu Duong, Madame Lô, Digital print on paper, 594x841 cm, Nhu Duong Campaign 2022,photography: Torso Solutions, styling: Kyle Luu
Top to Bottom: DeSe Escobar, Sad Thot, 2018, colored pencil on tracing paper, 35.56x 27.94 cm / DeSe Escobar, Miserable Thot, 2018, colored pencil on tracing paper, 35.56x27.94cm / DeSe Escobar, Gold digger, 2018, colored pencil on tracing paper, 35.56x27.94 cm
Top to Bottom: DeSe Escobar, Sad Thot, 2018, colored pencil on tracing paper, 35.56x 27.94 cm / DeSe Escobar, Miserable Thot, 2018, colored pencil on tracing paper, 35.56x27.94cm / DeSe Escobar, Gold digger, 2018, colored pencil on tracing paper, 35.56x27.94 cm