Doing & Being, Basel & fashion

Each of us is a mine. The physical body is the entrance, the mineshaft, the part which the rest of the world sees: the face, voice, actions... and fashion!

Doing Fashion is the degree programme Fashion Design BA, Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP), Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW. It aims to be involved and to responsibly participate in the design of the present and future.

Spring has sprung, and flowers are blooming. The weather is warming up, and so are we. Meet met the 2023 graduation class!

Students Albertine Milani, Miel Schneeberger, Emanuel Marra, Marie Valentina Klock, Lou Gattlen, Alexis Barreto, Selina Rotach, Josy Kriemler, Andreas Belser, Florian Kech, Christoph Cong Faessler, Rachel Bühler, Charlotte Christen, Feyza Hylal, Lan Anh Nguyen, Giosch-P. Treskatsch, Seraina Kick & Jerome Rafael.

Photography Matthieu Croizier; Conversation Jeanne-Salomé Rochat

My body is chasing harmony. Selina Rotach

My body is chasing rocks. Christoph Cong Faessler

My body is chasing estrogen. Lou Gattlen

My body is chasing innovation in muslim modest fashion. Feyza Hylal

My body is chasing a safe, cosy, fluffy thing where i can hide. Rachel Bühler
Chains in my left hand and yarns in my right hand.

Lan Anh Nguyen
Plaster in my left hand and a needle in my right hand.

Josy Kriemler
Nowadays, my own skin feels like it is too fragile for this world, so I have to cover it with some clothes.

Charlotte Christen
Let them say: Look! I can see. I'm aware, I'm free. Where are the others?

Giosch-P. Treskatsch
Garments: I cannot help but touch them.

Albertine Milani
My designs make sense, but only if I start moving.

Seraina Kick

These last 2 years taught me to have a precise focus. Florian Kech

These last 2 years taught me that everything is a process and that's ok. Miel Schneeberger
I believe appreciation can transform the world.

Andreas Belser
I want to be surprised by the reactions of my audience.

Emanuel Marra
I want to be surprised by myself.

Marie Valentina Klock
Nothing is me, and is not.

Jerome Rafael
Without the belief that our aesthetic eye, which is trained by our society, can be changed, I would not wake up in the morning.

Alexis Barreto

The flower is me, and is not.

Selina Rotach

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