"Closet" Natacha's Lingerie Romance

Left to Right: Dress John Galliano Archive, Stocking La Perla, Shoes Miu Miu / stylist’s own outfit

Bra + Panties Isosceles Lingerie, Pearl Piece DE PINO, Shoes Western Affair

Bra self customized, String La Perla, Shoes Balenciaga, Hood Ottolinger

promiscuous little she undress herself Shhhh, Shhhhsmall scale piece of silk covers the "self"Shhhh, Shhhh
see her skin alters into scrape landscapes dermis fades into that lace
moody ass-phyxie narcisse
emotional storm shelters beautiful intimacy eruption of terrifying sensuality
ass-ocial dionea
what a coincidence - oh ! Shhhh, shhhhhlittle promiscuous me - stop hiding under odd lingerie

Lingerie Chantal Thomass, Top Natacha Voranger for Rebirth Studio by About You, Trousers, Belt & Shoes Vintage

Bustier + corset Vintage, Shoes Y/Project

Sweater Vereja, Panties stylist’s own, Shoes Ugo Paulon

Top Lou de Betoly, Skirt Maroske Peech, Shoes Stylist’s own

Left to Right: String La Perla, shirt Alfanie, Corset as skirt Vintage, Shoes Z-coil / String La Perla, Outfit custom made

Lingerie ANEKDOT, Furry Piece Fresh Maybe new, Shoes Balenciaga, Head Piece vintage

Bodysuit Gogo Graham, Sleeves Shay Galla

Shirt Plein Sud, Skirt Ottolinger, String : stylist’s own

Outfit John Galliano Archive

Left to Right: Full Look DE PINO / Bodysuit Isosceles Lingerie, Furry Piece DE PINO, Hat vintage