After the egg, the war, Perwana Nazif & Gillian Garcia
Below is an exchange between Perwana Nazif, and filmmaker Gillian Garcia continued from the film program 'After the egg, the war'. Less an interview than it is a dance that moves by the steps it simultaneously and progressively erases.
The film program After the egg, the war, showing at Mascot Studio, founded by Lauren Ardis and Fennis Brown, centers and subsequently de-centers the “everyday”.
How is the (performative) mundane constructed and what performances motivate it?

What is outside of this?
Selections pointed to this construction, often racially-coded, and/or troubled it in a theatrics of the day-to-day. Gillian Garcia’s 3pm, and her role as editor of Shapes and anything in the online film program, steps into its own rhythm with this.
Gillian’s films often occupy the oneiric, yet also remain grounded in the minutiae of a particular someone’s everyday. An occupation of two somewhat opposed dimensions that one could say only, if not mostly, children and select others live in. Or maybe it is evidence of those moments in the nebulous wake of a dream.