Today @ Apple, curated by Novembre
As guest curator for one week at the Apple Store Champs-Elysées in Paris, Novembre spent four days with registered participants, workshopping and creating imaginary Novembre products. Inspired by some of our favourite themes: layout, still life, painting and styling – and using Apple products and tools – this is the result.
Congrats and a warm thanks to all our participants!
COPY EDITING Anjelica Angwin
Day 1; Florence Tétier: Magazine cover layout using Procreate on Ipad
All participants got an image bank featuring 300 pictures from our latest issue, and had to create their own imaginary cover.

Day 2; Matthias Garcia: Fashion painting using Procreate on Ipad
Following Matthias Garcia's latest collaboration for Novembre issue 15, Georgia Pendlebury picked a selection of clothes and accessories from the season, and people could take inspiration from those to create an original drawing.

Day 3; Nicolas Coulomb: Still life images using iPhone
We brougt a large selection of food items, everyday objects and kitchen uhtensils, to combine with M.A.C Cosmetics products. Using Iphones, participants had to mix those elements and create still life beauty compositions.
Special thanks to M.A.C Cosmetics

Day 4; Georgia Pendlebury: Styling experimentations using iPhone
Georgia brought a selection of Vivienne Westwood AW19 looks for people divided into 4 groups to play with, deconstruct and style, in order to compare the variety of styling possibilities using a limited amount of pieces.
Special thanks to Vivienne Westwood