For the launch or Audemars Piguet’s art project with Italian artist Quayola, Novembre Bureau teamed up with Alex Bennet, Dan Hoy and Bureau Borsche to create a special book to be presented during our co-hosted event in Miami Beach, for the 2018 edition f Art Basel.
Showcasing a combination of video captures and poetry, the volume explores new conceptions of nature and the visualization of movement beyond conventional modes of representation.
Artworks Quayola
Words Alex Bennett & Dan Hoy
Typography Bureau Borsche
Website design Eliott Grunewald & Clément Gicquel
Creative direction Novembre Bureau
Courtesy Audemars Piguet

Filmed by a drone equipped with a 4K video camera, the artwork explores the logic and aesthetics of autonomous vehicles’ computer-vision systems and presents viewers with a new interpretation of the traditional “landscape,” one that has been decoded with complete detachment, robotic and analytical precision.